Monday, April 14, 2014

The Hair

Hello family! 

So I'm not really sure how much I cut off... He didn't tell me, and I didn't really measure. :) So it's short now, but I'll grow it out so when I get home it's long again. I just needed a cut because it was so gross and dead and unhealthy. So now it's healthy, and I'll grow it long again! I loved it long. So it will get there someday! 

Sounds like ya'll had a fun week. I'm down for going to Zion and hiking and stuff. Let's do it! I'm glad you had fun, and were all safe. I'm so glad you had that experience in the temple. That's amazing. I love the temple. It's the best place on earth. :)

You're right, transfers is this week. Sister Craig is going home, I'm staying, Spackman is getting transferred, and Bench is staying here. Apparently there is a shortage of Spanish sisters (none are coming in this transfer...) So we think that Sister Bench and I will just take over down here and be companions, so there will only be one companionship down here. But we aren't really sure, so we'll find out soon. Tomorrow morning actually. 

It really has been a great transfer. I was really worried (because of everything I told you before), but it ended up being great. It was exhausting, but when is missionary work not exhausting? What made it worse though is because she doesn't' speak Spanish, so I was teaching by myself, all day every day. And it's exhausting. It's mentally, physically, and spiritually draining. There is a reason they call us to preach two by two. Sometimes three by three. Because teaching by yourself sucks. It really does. Luckily for me I got some heaven sent help with the language and my teaching ability. :) I don't know what it was this transfer, but Satan was really working on me. Giving me feelings of inadequacy, frustration, stress... but I've learned so much through it all. I've learned that yep, I am inadequate for this job. But guess what? The Lord is always there to help. Only He can heal us. He can take away our frustration, stress, sorrow, guilt, shame, anything that comes. And sometimes He doesn't necessarily take it away, but He helps us bear it. He helps us get through anything and everything. Sure, there were times where I was driven up the wall. I was frustrated, confused, tired... but I know the only way I got through that is through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Because He suffered for us, we don't have to. We can choose to be happy. Choose a positive attitude. I remember in Jr. High they always did announcements over the intercom, and every day they said, "Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours." I thought it was stupid. But how true that statement is. We can choose to dwell in our misery, or we can choose to apply the atonement and be happy! That is what I'm grateful for this Easter season. This weekend is Easter Sunday. I love Easter. It's the reason we celebrate Christmas! It's the reason that our families can be together forever someday. Because Christ suffered and died for us, and because He was resurrected on the third day. What a miracle. I just want to share my testimony with you that I know that Christ lives. I know that He is our Savior and Redeemer, and that because of Him, we too will live again. Because of Him, we can have eternal happiness. It's been amazing. This week I've been studying the atonement, resurrection, judgement, and kingdoms of glory. I want to challenge you all to open up to Preach My Gospel, Chapter 3, lesson 2 this week and study the plan of salvation. Look up the scriptures: they are amazing! That's what I've been doing and it's so uplifting to read all these scriptures and see everything that Christ has done for us. It's a miracle. He loved us enough so suffer and die. He overcame death so that we could too. And through Him, we can have eternal life. I love this gospel so much. I love my Savior with all my heart, and I am so grateful for Him. 

I love you all, and hope you have a fantastic week. 

With all my love,
Hermana Bingham

p.s. Happy Easter!

 Me with Elder and Sister Clayton last night at the outgoing devotional. They are headed home this transfer. They are a senior couple that works in the office. My favorite people ever!

Sister Craig and I at the aquarium
All of us roomies after ZTM

All the hermanas in the zone

 Spacks and I with memebers of our old zone at ZTM. E. Alvarez is headed home this transfer! 
He was my first District leader

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