Monday, September 9, 2013

Missionary work!

Hola mi familia!
Como estan? My week was fantastic... I was doing missionary work! Sounds like you peeps had a pretty great week yourselves. I've got some news for you: WE DID IT! 21 baptisms with one week left in the transfer. Actually, we got 22. But more news, we are counting the 22nd baptism towards next transfer, when we are doing 21 again! The thing about 21 was that we wanted to change missionary work for our mission. Well, the Lord wants to change it. We have never seen numbers like the ones we've been getting, and none of the other zones have either. And ever since we've made this goal we've been being watched to see if this is possible. And we did it. We accomplished the impossible with the help of the Lord. It was a miracle. But part of this whole 21 thing was repenting and changing the way we did missionary work. We had a meeting on Thursday to try to decide what we wanted to do next transfer, what goals we wanted to have as a zone, because we thought there was no way 21 could happen again. We basically forgot the meaning of repentance. We wanted to start working on retaining converts, reactivating less actives, getting the ward to participate more, but upon receiving revelation, Elder Hammond, our dear zone leader learned that 21 is what's supposed to happen again. To truly repent of the way we do missionary work, we have to leave behind completely what we were doing before. So that's what we're doing. We are going to keep getting 5 new investigators and 5 baptisimal invites every week, fasting every Sunday, getting at least 21 contacts every day, studying the BofM for 21 minutes every day, and praying every day for 21. We aren't going back. But while we do this, we are going to keep working with our RC, less actives, and the ward. I don't know if you guys get how big of a deal 21 is, but it's HUGE! This is incredible! To get 21 new baptisms in 4 wards in a 6 week time period is crazy. And 3/4 of these wards are white wards. We're the only Spanish one. Actually, there might be a Vietemese ward too. We've got some Viet elders here... Cool right? But 4 wards. This is an insane goal. Actually, and impossible goal, but we're doing it with the help of the Lord. I know that in Utah it's hard to find people that don't already have the gospel, but I want to challenge each of you to reach out to someone this week. Maybe a less active, a nonmemeber, or even a memeber. But reach out to someone and try to share a gospel message with them. Help the missionaries... they need it! The gospel is spreading over all the earth, and it is our duty to take it to our brothers and sisters that don't have it. And whether or not we are full time missionaries we can do it. It's possible! Pray to have missionary experiences, and I can testify that the Lord will put someone that needs it in your path. So that's my challenge to you this week. The Lord is hastening his work, shouldn't we all want to be a part of that?

Sounds like you had a good Labor Day, nice and busy, but good! Also, I want the meat and cobbler you saved me sent to me in a package. Just so you know. :) Kidding. But speaking of packages... I have come to realize that the Vocal Point CD I bought never made it onto my iPod, so I was wondering if you would be so kind as to mail me the cd someday. That would be appreciated. It doesn't have to be like now, just sometime. I miss that CD. Also, if you could send Jayson's new EFY cd with it I would LOVE it. EFY cds are like our best friends out here. :) It's almost like normal music.
So to answer some questions, no the baptism was not in the stake center at the temple. We went to the temple in the morning and later that night we had the baptism at our building. And no, the temple isn't in our mission, we are just allowed to go there if a member drives us and we're taking an investigator. And I'm 90% positive President said we get to go every 6 months, and I'm pretty sure that's to do a session, but I'm not sure. We'll find out. You know what's crazy? I've been out for almost 2 whole transfers. That's what's nuts. That's 12 weeks people! It's gone by so fast! Bryce, you'll soon find that out. Mission time is not normal. The days feel like weeks, the weeks feel like days, and before you know it you've been out for two transfers and thinking "Where has all the time gone?" Also, Charlie has been out for almost a year, and it feels like he just left. It's super weird. Just so you all know. I just had to share. :)

How's the Payson temple coming along? Like, is the whole outside up yet, or are they still working on it? I'm curious to see what it looks like! And good work on the indexing dad! Maybe you'll dig up something and then can take our family names to the temple. Miracles happen if we truly have faith that they will, and seek guidance from the Lord. And you can totally do that with family history. It's super important. Also, crazy that Ager's parents left before her! That would be so weird!! I'm glad you guys were there to drop me off at the MTC, instead of me dropping you off. But that' super cool. Good for them, good for her! I'm excited for her!

The front door looks super good just so you know. It will be weird coming back to a black front door though. Not like super weird, just different. But I'm sure lots of things will be different when I get back.. weird.

Rain in Utah? What? It doesn't even rain here, and we're right next to San Fran. But really, I think it's rained once while I've been here, for like 2 minutes. But esta bien. Soon the rainy season (winter) will be upon us. And then I'll probably be sick of it.

I hope you all have a great week, I love you so much! You're always in my prayers. I love you!

Hermana Bingham

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