Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hola familia!

Hola familia!
So first off, I have some funny stories for you! I have to tell them to you now before I forget. So remember how in my last letter, I told you I was so fluent that I called the Book of Mormon "El Book de Mormon"? Well guess what I totally did in a lesson? Yeah, we were sitting there with Bryan our investigator, and we had been teaching him the restoration. So I started talking about the Book of Mormon, and explaining what it was. Well apparently, I totally said, "en el Book de Mormon..." and didn't even realize it. Hermana Raney told me later and I was shocked. I didn't even notice the fact that Bryan started laughing at me and covered his mouth with his hand and Hna. Raney tried to correct me. I was oblivious. Oh well. At least I didn't mix up caridad and castidad like Hermana Kinghorn did... haha. Cucha cuchar hijo. (Sucks to suck son- except that means like, suck on a lollipop. oh fake slang, it kills me.) And on day, we were all introducing ourselves to a fake investigator in the middle of a lesson, and all of us hermanas introduced ourselves first, and then it was Elder Philpotts turn. Well he said, "Soy la hermana Philpott" and we all started laughing. He corrected himself. But later in the same day in a prayer, he said, "gracias por tu hija Jesucristo" so that was pretty good, and then he said he and his companion were amigas. The masculine vs. feminine thing is killing him. And the last two times he didn't catch himself either. It was pretty great. So, I want to hear all about Costa Rica! Mostly about the wedding, how was it? Did you finally find an outfit mom? I'm sorry you all got sick, that's no fun. I caught a cold last week, so that was fun, but not as bad as having the flu I suppose. Oh and Kyla, Missy told me that Savannah and Sofie love going over for gymnastics. She said Savannah keeps saying how fun it is. So good work! How's it going for you? Do you like doing it? Oh guess what I did in class this week? I crocheted! Hermano Williams totally brought in some yarn and hooks, and told us to go to town. He wanted us to do chains, single and double stitches (what does that even mean?) And I learned that I cannot crochet. But it was a really good object lesson on how we have to be there with our investigators every step of the way, or our investigators will feel just as confused and frustrated as we did. I liked it. We also had an awesome devotional last night. It was Elder Richard Hinkley, President Hinkley's son. He talked about the steps for being a successful missionary, like using the area book and helping the Bishops and Stake presidents, and being bold, but not overbearing. I really liked that. Be bold, but not overbearing. We have to be bold in our attempts to spread the gospel, but we can't do that in a forceful way. We have to be brave and step out of our shells, and say bold things, but do it lovingly. We have to love the people we're teaching, and truly care for their needs. It's incredible how much the work changes when we do that. I love this work, and I'm so grateful for the opportuntiy I have to be out here. It truly is the greatest thing for me to be doing at this pint in my life. I love the gospel, and I love you all. I hope you have an awesome week, and get feeling better soon! You are all always in my prayers. Oh, and keep Sister Semadini in your prayers. Her dad is in the Flint's ward and he passed away this last week. I'm sure she could use a little extra love right now. Love you guys!

Hermana Amaya

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