Dear family,
It sounds like y'all had a great week! I'm excited to see the new car! But I'll be okay waiting for a while. :) Jayson, you looked super good at homecoming. I loved the pictures.
As for SD card, I have a DANE-ELEC card, that's 8GB. It's blue with a red and white stickers. If that doesn't help, I can just go look for one. :) But thanks so much! I'm excited for the package. It also sounds like Bryce is doing really good! That makes me happy!
This week was a really good week. We got to watch the new Meet the Mormons movie! Have you seen it yet? Aee you going to see it? It was fantastic. I was so inspired by it! It dives into the lives of 6 Mormon families from all over the world, and just shares who they are. I love it. It's really well done, and super fantastic. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it this week! It's incredible!!!! We also got to go to the temple. I got to see the 3rd new video this time, with blonde Eve. That threw me off for a minute, but it was fine! I liked it, but I still think I like the first one better. But it's been 6 months, so I can't really remember. Now I just need to see the 2nd one and I'm good! but it was amazing. I just love the temple so much. I literally feel homesick when I leave, and I want to go back. But it made me excited to think that I don't have to wait 6 months to go again! Woohoo!
Speaking of temples, I just want to tell you all that Myley and Mathias are engaged!! The big day is January 2nd. I'm just so excited and happy for her, I want to brag to the whole world!
Also, we found out this week that in November we will start receiving training for Facebook proselyting and iPads. So that is super exciting. We'll get more info in November, and start using it all. So I'll be back on facebook for like a month before I get home. That will be fun! :) I'm excited for it all. It will be really different, but it will be good!
This week I've had to really focus on the things that matter most. This video is a Mormon message that really helps me when I'm struggling. A lot of times, I feel like I get caught up in the little things. Like for example, I get caught up in the fact that we have too many things to do, and not enough time in the day. I get caught up in trying to make everything perfect for my trainee, when I really should just focus on teaching by the spirit. Little things like that. I know that when we focus on the things that matter most, we truly will be led by the spirit, and really come to know our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ better. I challenge you all to really focus on the things that matter most this week. It will help so much. I promise!
Sorry this letter is short, I had a lot of letters to read this week. A lot. :) suddenly I'm popular! Just kididng. But I love you all, and I hope you have a great week. I love you!!
Hermana Bingham
P.s. Our goal was to take a picture a day this week. :) Also, I like to match my companion. :)