Monday, March 3, 2014

Stressed Out!

Hey everybody!! 

First off, I'm getting a new companion. Yup. So all three of us are staying down here in Monterey, but I'm getting a new companion. So there will be two Spanish speaking companionships down here. The work is progressing! And I am SO stressed out! I'm going to admit it. So we're dividing the area, but we have no clue how it's being divided. Also, there is no way our apartment will fit four of us... Well, it will work, but it will be difficult to get all the desks to fit and stuff. It will be interesting. We might be moving sometime soon, but that is not for sure yet. But I"m going to have to get a new phone, we'll probably be in a car share, it's going to be great. Please pray for us. I might go insane. But, I've got the Lord to help me out, so it's all going to be great! "Adventure is out there!!"

Secondly, mom, I am grateful for the curfew's I had when I was in high school. They did keep me safe, and you definitely know what you're doing. So thank you. For all the curfew's. :) And rules, and all that other good stuff. I really do have awesome parents! 

Mom, you may think your ear story will get old, but I can promise you all those girls will love it. They love stories. And you've got a pretty cool one. So they'll love it, even if you think it will get old. You can do it! Let me know how it goes! Sorry you don't get to hear the other speakers though. Tell Kyla to take notes. :)

So last night I learned a lot about the atonement. I was having a really awful day. Sunday morning we got a text that said that I would be the one getting a new companion, and it stressed me out, a lot. Because I have no clue how the area's are being divided, how dinners would work, how our housing situation would work... nothing. Everything is completely unknown. Even now. So yesterday I would put it out of my mind, but then things would happen that made me feel like I was already being shut out of this companionship. We taught the lesson in Sunday school like we do every week, but they both planned a lesson and somehow I wasn't even informed of what we were teaching. They weren't giving me opportunities to teach in lessons, I would try to open my mouth, and then someone would interrupt me. So I just felt really alone. All day yesterday. And you all know how I am. I don't share my feelings. I just let them boil inside and when multiple things pile up, I kind of am just quiet all day. So thus was my day yesterday. I was pretty quiet. And no one seemed to care. I felt 100%, completely alone. So I got ready for bed when we got home, I knelt down, and I prayed. I prayed so hard. I just wanted to feel like someone out there was listening. I asked Heavenly Father to just take those feelings away from me. I told Him that I knew that Christ suffered, so that I didn't have to. He knows me, and He knows what I feel, so He can help me feel better. And as soon as I closed my prayer and laid down, everything that I had been feeling that day was gone. I immediately felt better. The stress was gone, the pain was gone, and I knew that my Father in Heaven loved me, and so does my Savior. And I was able to think of all the people at home that I knew where always there for me. And it was all better. I know that Heavenly Father hears us. He answers our prayers. He wants us to be happy, so He sent His son to suffer and die for us. He already suffered, so that we don't have to. I love this gospel with all my heart. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is healing. It is the balm in Gilead, that heals the wounded soul. We just have to turn to Him. 

I love you all. I hope you have a great week. Keep me posted on everything!

Lots of love,

Hermana Bingham

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