Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Happy Saint Patrick's day! Also, saying a prayer now that this email doesn't get erased. Did you at least get my handwritten letter? It sounds like you did, so that's good!

So first off, Thanks for the cookies! I was super surprised, but it was fun to get them! Also, they are super yummy, so thanks! Also, please ask Richard and Becky if they remember an Alejandro (Alex) Contreras from high school. He's a member of the ward I'm serving in, and we ate at his house with his family the other day. We take him to lessons with us all the time because he's one of the Spanish speakers in the ward, and is super helpful. But as we were talking he said he went to Provo high, so I asked if he knew any Binghams. I knew he was 30, so I asked specifically about Richard and Becky and he says that he graduated with them. So that was kind of cool. Small world! So I was just curious if they knew him. Kind of funny. :) 

Sounds like you've all had a good week! Those pictures of Kyla's meet are BEAUTIFUL!!! I was so proud! Such good form! Good work woman! Also, I loved the stunt double pictures. Sounds like a good gig. :)

Dad asked what an STL is. It is a Sister Training Leader. They are basically like AP's and zone leaders all combined in one. It's a new sister leader position since there are so many sister missionaries now. It's pretty cool. 

So I'm doing pretty good. Stress levels have gone down, we're figuring stuff out, and my companion is great. She told me that she hasn't been this happy in a long time, and she hasn't been friends with a companion in a long time, but she feels like we are good friends, and that we'll stay friends. So I feel like this will be a good transfer. She's super cute. It's fun, and I'm learning a lot. But it's been a good week. We've seen lots of small miracles, and it's been fun. Always and adventure.

So I've been noticing a recurring topic this week: The Atonement. I was thinking last night about how much it's popped up this week, so I figured I better study it this morning, and write about it a little in my letter. It all started when Sister Craig and I were listening to a talk called "Sleeping Through Gethsemane" by Diane Holscher (or something like that). I had never heard this talk before, but it was SO good! Try to google it. I don't know if that's how you spell her last name, but this talk is amazing. She's funny, keeps you entertained, and still gets across a really fantastic message about repentance, the Sacrament, and the Atonement. She talks about really using the gift of the atonement and really repenting of our sins. We can feel exactly like we did at baptism, every week when we take the sacrament. Every week! That's something that I have kind of failed to understand in the past. For me, and probably for a lot of people, baptism at an older age sounds awesome. Because then you can truly understand what you're doing, and take full advantage of that. There have been times when I have wished that I could have gotten baptized older, so that I could truly use that wonderful gift and be COMPLETELY clean. Sure, I knew that when we take the sacrament we renew those baptismal covenants and can be "clean" again. Or at least I thought I knew. But while I was listening to this talk I realized that it's true! When we take the sacrament, we can feel that pure, clean, joyful feeling that comes from truly repenting, and forsaking our sins. We were reading Alma 36 with Carlos the other day. That is one of my FAVORITE chapters on repentance. I love how Alma says that there was no pain as bitter as was his guilt, but when he cried out and asked for forgiveness, there was nothing so sweet and exquisite as was his joy. And we can feel that all the time. Even with the little things. I've tried it this week! For every little thing, I make sure I ask for forgiveness. That is something I've always struggled with. Is repenting of the little things. But when I know I could've done better, I get down on my knees and let my Father in Heaven know that I know that I need to do better. That I'm sorry. And I've felt that joy. He hears us. Christ has already suffered. Let us take advantage of that, and be completely clean again. Pay attention to the words in the sacrament prayers. Let us really ponder what our Savior has done for us, and use that precious gift that He has given. 

I love you all. I hope you have a fantastic week. Be safe, Choose the Right, do missionary work, you know the drill. Love you!!

Lots of love,

Hermana Bingham

 Sister Bench and I matched for service one day. And we went a little nuts
 Sister Craig and I


The other day when we were matching, Sister Craig tried to get a piggy back. 
But that doesn't really work in a pencil skirt. ;)

 We all matched! Roomies!
Today. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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