Saturday, August 31, 2013

No Time...

Email #3 (the real one):

Hello family!!
First off, I want to apologize for this taking so long to get to you. Monday we had ZERO time to email because President Watkins took us to the beach! Which was super awesome. We just sat on the beach all day (which is like a 45ish minute drive from where I'm at) and I wrote letters to Charlie and Brooke, and took a nap. We played around a little too, and it was super fun just to hang out with a bunch of missionaries. Some that I knew, some that I didn't. But it was just a good day. Elder Philpott from my MTC district was there too, so it was fun to see how he's doing out here. So it was a super fun day, and I got fried... haha I forgot to wear sunscreen. Whoops! We of course aren't allowed to go swimming or anything, but we can go play in the sand if we have permission from Pres. And he took us, so we of course had permission. It was a great day, but by the time we got back we had no time to email, and then yesterday was crazy, so today we finally had like a half an hour. So here I am. Sorry, this email will be short!!!
So exciting news of the week: I'm having my first two baptisms on Saturday! One is an older man named Victor. He's 55 and he has been super accepting of everything. So we've been getting him ready for baptism, and it's happening on Saturday!! The other is Isaac. He's 9 years old, and is getting baptized. His mom and all of his siblings are members, but he hasn't been baptized yet. So here's the story. Juanita (the mom) has like, a bagazillion kids. They are super poor and live in this little dump. And the kids are INSANE!!! Like, they are nuts. Way more crazy than normal kids. So it's always been really hard for her to get them to church, and honestly, she's a memeber but doesn't know much about the gospel. She takes them to the baptist church, because they pick them up for church on a bus, and give them pizza and take them to Chuck E. Cheese after. How can we compete with that right? It's easier for her to take the kids there. They like it more. But she still wants them to be baptized into our church. So the sisters have been working with Isaac for forever, and he's never wanted to be baptized. But finally the other day, he said he does! So, his baptism is on Saturday, and they're going to come to church with us now. Kind of a miracle if you ask me!
I love you all, sorry this email is like, super short. I just have like, no time. Seriously. But next week it will be a good one, with pictures from the baptism and everything. Love you all! Have fun at school and work and home and CTR. I love you!!!
-Hermana Bingham

Email #2:

so, we have like, no time to email today. It's super duper lame. I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry. So hopefully we will have time to email you tomorrow... I hate that I can't email you. I haven't even had time to read yours. So I'm PRAYING for tomorrow. I love you!!!
Hna. Bingham

Email #1:

So sorry I haven't emailed before now. President took us to the beach yesterday and we got back too late to email. And I would email now, but we have an appointment at 1 who always gets there early, so we don't have time. So, I will write you after that. Sorry it's taken so long! I love you guys! Talk to you later!

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