Monday, August 19, 2013


I can't believe that school is starting! Like, what the heck!! That's crazy! Bryce is a senior, Jayson is in high school, and Kyla's in Jr. High. And I'm out here, saving souls. What the heck? When did we all get so old? I don't know. But it's crazy. I feel like an old woman out here. Also I'm driving a Buick, so that doesn't help. I have a crazy story for all of ya'll. But first off, I want to say MOM I'M FINE SO WHAT I'M TELLING YOU NEXT YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT! So last week on Monday night we were visiting a less active lady, Hna. Nunez. We had been trying to leave because it was past 9 so we needed to get home, but she kept talking. Mexicans love to talk. It's the truth. They tell you EVERYTHING!! So we finally got to pray with her, and we were headed out the door, when she said one more thing. She told us one more tiny little story or something, I don't even remember. But in the process of this, we hear this loud squeal, and then a crash. Immediately Hna. Nunez's daughter says, "That wasn't your car was it?" We were parked on this road that has a little turn, and we we pretty far away from the turn in the road, and there were cars behind us on this road, so we thought it couldn't be ours. We walk out into the street and there is this car in the middle of the road, bumper had fallen off, and it was smashed. Parked right next to whose car? Ours. This car (according to witnesses that actually saw it happen) had gone around this little turn at about 60-65 mph, lost control, spun and then smashed our car on the drivers side back door. It pushed our car into the curb, breaking the axel, and yeah, basically it's totalled. So we had to get this guys info and all this fun stuff and call the other hnas in our district to get them to give us a ride... it was kind of intense. Wanna know the cool part though? I know that the Lord is truly watching out for his servents. Because Hna. Kofford always drives, and she puts her purse in the back seat before. So IF we would've left Hna. Nunez's house after we prayed like we were trying to, she would've been smashed by the crazy driver, and I probably would've been on the other side, in the gutter and probably would've killed my legs. We were super blessed. It was crazy! The Lord is really protecting his servents that's for sure. It was a miracle. Because Hna. Nunez said 1 more thing, we were protected. And then we thought we'd just go into our bike share early, but President had just bought an old Buick just in case someone needed it. So we are driving around in a Buick. It is AWESOME!!! We love it!

Other miracle of the week! So a few weeks back Hna. Kofford had been trying to contact formers, and only two people answered. One was definitely not interested, and the other was this lady named Rosa. She told Hna. Kofford that she had lots of stuff to tell us, so we should come by and see her. Well we have been trying to get ahold of her to set up an appointment for forever, and we couldn't get ahold of her. So we just decided to go to her house. We knocked on her door, and we saw someone come up and lock the door. But we didn't give up. We waited and waited, and knocked again, and just when we were walking away, she opened the door. Well, we ended up talking to her for a long time, and she was crying and telling us all these hard things that have been happening in her life, and we had an awesome lesson about the Holy Ghost with her and how he is a comforter and a guide through hard things. We told her we can recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost after baptism, and she was like, "I need that in my life." What? crazy right? And super awesome. She accepted an invitation to be baptized, but wants to know more before we pick a date. So, we're going to try to get in contact with her this week and teach her more and pick a date for her baptism. She's super great. It was one of those lessons you just walk away from feeling great. It's the best feeling in the world.
We've seen so many miracles every day out here. Being able to find people, getting lessons, and so many things. I love it. This Friday Hna. Kofford and I are working with Habitat for Hummanity putting in a sprinkler system for some home or homes. Not sure. But I have a feeling this will be a good service opportunity, and a good way to get in some good contacts and lessons. I'm super pumped. We'll be there for like, 8 hours. YAY!

Adrienne Clark is going on a misison? YAY! Good for her! You'll have to tell her to let me know when she gets her call. I'm super excited for her! This is the best thing EVER! Missionary work is the greatest, and sometimes it is hard, but it's totally worth it. The happiness we help bring to people's lives is incredible. I love it.

Also, I heard the new temple movie is awesome. A lady in my MTC branch presidency (well, her husband was in the presidency) told me about it and said how awesome it was. So apparently she saw it quite a few weeks ago. Who knows how. But she said it portrays everything better so I'm super excited to see it. In our mission President said we get to go to the Oakland temple every 6 months I think. So I'm super excited. We can also go if and Investie we helped baptized goes to recieve their endowments. Cool right? So maybe someday I'll get to go with someone I taught!

About the letters, My companion has all hers sent there and it's fine. Because we're there like every day so we can get it. I think if I was in a further area it would be a pain in the rear for them to forward it all, but where I'm here and can just pick it up I'm 99.999999% postitive it's fine.

I love you all, I hope you have a fantastic week at school and all that good stuff! LOVE YOU!!!
Hermana Amaya Bingham

p.s. apparently Bingham is a really weird name. Mexicans can't say it. They find it weirder than Kofford. Don't ask why, I don't know. It's funny though. :) Also there is an Amaya family in my ward. I haven't met them yet, but when I do I'll have to tell them how their last name is my first name. Crazy stuff. Love you guys!

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