Monday, February 24, 2014

Missionary Work

Buenos Dias!!
Hello family! It's going to be a good week. I can just feel it in my bones. This weekend we got to see the baptism of Lidia Perez, the wife of a recent convert. We also set baptismal dates for her son and his wife for March 29th. We are so excited. The baptism was beautiful. We were running around like chickens with our heads cut off before, but all was well. We had some powerful testimonies born, sacred ordinances performed, and lives changed. Awesome right? It was a good day. Unfortunately, due to craziness before, we didn't get to take pictures before the baptism, but we got some after. It was awesome. 

Carlos was supposed to get baptized this weekend, but since he's only been to church once, and they are supposed to go 3 times before they get baptized we had to move it to the 15th. He got stuck at work and couldn't come. He felt so bad though. I've never seen anyone feel so bad for not going to church. He's amazing. He just kept apologizing to us and even though we told him that it was okay since it wasn't his fault, he just kept apologizing over and over. And then when he prayed at the close of the lesson, he actually repented for it? Like, he asked for forgiveness right then and there! And he's working on getting every sunday off. Or at least going into work a little bit later. He's so golden. We had a lesson with him last night in a member's home, and in the middle of the lesson, the wife of this member family looked at her husband and said, "He is so golden!" It was funny. But really. We taught him about the word of wisdom last night, and he just soaks it all in. Like a sponge. The other day he basically taught US the gospel of Jesus Christ. He just takes everything in, he studies everything, he is always asking for a new chapter to read and study in the Book of Mormon... he's just awesome. I am so blessed to have the chance to teach him. He is so amazing. We love him. I'm so excited for him to get baptized here in a couple weeks. He's going to make the best member. He came to the adult session of stake conference this saturday too. He even WALKED! In the dark! Just to get there. He's amazing. 

So like I mentioned, we had stake conference this week. It was awesome. The Saturday night adult session was all about missionary work. I loved one thing that Sister Watkins said. She said, "If we're scared about missionary work, it's because we don't understand it." It's so true. I was TERRIFIED to be a missionary. Some days I still am. It's scary to share something that's so close and tender to you. But just open your mouth. I loved something else she said. She said that the Lord knows who is prepared. We don't have to know. We just have to be willing to open our mouths at any time. Talk to everyone! She also said, "Pray for those experiences (missionary experiences) with the intent to be obedient - that is the single-most powerful thing we can do." I love that. The most powerful thing we can do is pray. It's so true! And then I love something our stake president, President Green said. He said, "There is no spiritual power in living by convenience." So true. The gospel is not convenient. It isn't easy. It's hard, and we have to work for out blessings. But that is where spiritual power comes from. I love it. 

I'm so proud of you mom for finally finding names! That is so cool! When we thought all hope was lost! I'm so excited for you all to be able to go to the temple and do the ordinances for these people! And maybe when I get home I can help you with family history work! Yay! I'm so proud of you all. 
I'm sad to here that Bishop Carrick got released! He sent all the missionaries in the ward a super nice email though. I'm going to miss him as a Bishop. He was the best. But who knows, maybe someday I'll be in his stake! Find out where his boundaries are, and put me in there! Jokes. But only kind of. 
I hope you all have a good week! I love you all, and I'm always praying for you! 

Hermana Bingham

 Us with Pablo and Lidia
All the missionaries that have taught them! 

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